Programming, electronics, lifestyle

06 Dec 2022

Python: Stack implementation by text file

Some time ago I realized that there is no a library to keep a stack of strings in a text file efficiently in Python. So I coded own one. I commented the code, and I suppose that any additional words will be redundant.

#! /usr/bin/env python3

# The library allows to work with stack of strings in a text file   #
# To use import this file as library (ex. for same dir)             #
# from stack import Stack                                           #
# Author: Artem Smirnov <[email protected]>                         #

import threading

class Stack():
    The class allows to work with stack of strings in a text file

    def __init__(self, filepath: str):
        Provide path to file where stack is located.

        self.path = filepath
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

    def is_empty(self):
        Method allows to get state of the stack

        with self.lock:
            with open(self.path, 'r') as fd:
      , 2)
                return fd.tell() < 1

    def pop(self) -> str:
        Method allow to pop one string from the stack

        with self.lock:
            with open(self.path, 'r+') as fd:
                # go to last character in the file
      , 2)
                end = fd.tell()

                pos = end
                buf = ""
                nlpos = -1
                # for better performance it should be a little bit more than medium line size
                chunk_size = 1

                # while not found
                while nlpos == -1 and pos != 0:
                    pos -= chunk_size

                    # if it is a last string in the file
                    if pos < 0: pos = 0

                    buf = + buf

                    # try to find nl (newline) symbol, except last
                    nlpos = buf.rfind("\n", 0, -1)

                pos = pos + nlpos + 1

                if buf == "":
                    return None
                    buf = buf[nlpos+1:-1]
                    return buf

    def push(self, line: str):
        Method allow to push one string to the stack

        with self.lock:
            with open(self.path, 'a') as fd:
                fd.write(line + "\n")

def main():
    Example of usage. It will create 10 items in stack,
    and will pop it

    FILENAME = "./testfile.sql"
    stack = Stack(FILENAME)

    for i in range(1,10):

    while not stack.is_empty():

if __name__ == "__main__":